2009-2010 district XI PIAA Swimming & Diving Championships Qualifying Times
Boys AA Boys AAA Event Girls
AAA Girls AA
2:24.33* 2:03.89 200
yd Free 2:12.85
2:45.44 2:19.02* 200yd
Ind Medley 2:32.44 2:42.37
26.30* 24.32
50 yd Free 27.08
1:25.29 1:03.61*
100 yd Fly
1:09.35 1:17.23
59.95* 54.46
100 yd Free 1:00.67 1:03.18*
6:45.79 5:35.43
500 yd Free 6:06.12*
1:22.90 1:05.46
100 yd Back 1:08.17
1:23.45* 1:11.99
100 yd Breast 1:16.76
*New Qualifying Time for 2009-2010
Each team may enter one relay team in each relay event, regardless of time.
Pre-Meet Warm-Ups
There will be a pre diving warm-up held on Thursday February 25, 2010 from 6-8 pm at Emmaus for any divers entered
in the diving championships. On Saturday, February 27, 2010 there will be a pre swimming warm-up held at Parkland form
3-6 pm for any swimmers entered in the swimming championships. Both these sessions require that the school's
head and/or assistant coaches be present to supervise their athletes from the time they enter the building until the time
they exit the building. No official coach - no warm-up!
Dates, Location and Times of District Championships:
Diving - Saturday, February 27, 2010 - at Emmaus High School
Girls' - Warm Ups 8 am - Meet 9:30 am
Boys' - Warm Ups 1 pm - Meet 2:30 pm
Swimming - At Parkland High School
Friday, March 5, 2010 - AA Warm Ups 1:45 pm - Meet 2:45 pm
Warm Ups 6 pm - Meet 7 pm
Saturday, March 6, 2010 - AA Warm Ups 9 am - Meet 10 am
AAA Warm Ups 1:30 pm - meet 2:30 pm
Ticket Prices: Adults: $6.00 Students/Senior Citizens $3.00 (Sr. Cit. = 62+)
All Seats at Parkland High School will be reserved.
Meet Management:
District XI Committee Swimming & Diving Chairperson - Don Harakal
School: 610-282-1421 ext. 7570 Cell: 484-239-8652 Home: 610-398-4947
Meet Manager - Mike Seip
Office: 610-973-1527 Cell: 610-393-5714 School: 610-965-1674