Mounties Swim Team

Announcements & Other

Team History & Records
Team Policies & Forms
Meet Schedule
Team Photo Album
Announcements & Other
Intramurals & Summer Clinic Information
Meet Directions

Team Updates:

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Nicenet Instructions

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2009-2010 district XI PIAA Swimming & Diving Championships Qualifying Times
Boys AA       Boys AAA          Event                      Girls AAA         Girls AA 
2:24.33*        2:03.89          200 yd Free                 2:12.85            2:22.75*
2:45.44         2:19.02*         200yd Ind Medley        2:32.44           2:42.37
26.30*          24.32              50 yd Free                   27.08              27.93*
1:25.29        1:03.61*          100 yd Fly                    1:09.35           1:17.23
59.95*          54.46              100 yd Free                 1:00.67           1:03.18*
6:45.79        5:35.43            500 yd Free                 6:06.12*          6:43.12
1:22.90        1:05.46            100 yd Back                 1:08.17           1:14.31*
1:23.45*        1:11.99           100 yd Breast               1:16.76           1:23.71
*New Qualifying Time for 2009-2010
Each team may enter one relay team in each relay event, regardless of time.
Pre-Meet Warm-Ups
There will be a pre diving warm-up held on Thursday February 25, 2010 from 6-8 pm at Emmaus for any divers entered in the diving championships.  On Saturday, February 27, 2010 there will be a pre swimming warm-up held at Parkland form 3-6 pm for any swimmers entered in the swimming championships.  Both these sessions require that the school's head and/or assistant coaches be present to supervise their athletes from the time they enter the building until the time they exit the building.  No official coach - no warm-up! 
Dates, Location and Times of District Championships:
Diving - Saturday, February 27, 2010 - at Emmaus High School
                         Girls' - Warm Ups 8 am - Meet 9:30 am
                         Boys' - Warm Ups 1 pm - Meet 2:30 pm
Swimming - At Parkland High School
   Friday, March 5, 2010 - AA Warm Ups 1:45 pm - Meet 2:45 pm
                                       AAA Warm Ups 6 pm - Meet 7 pm
   Saturday, March 6, 2010 - AA Warm Ups 9 am - Meet 10 am
                                           AAA Warm Ups 1:30 pm - meet 2:30 pm
Ticket Prices:  Adults: $6.00  Students/Senior Citizens $3.00 (Sr. Cit. = 62+)
All Seats at Parkland High School will be reserved.
Meet Management:
District XI Committee Swimming & Diving Chairperson - Don Harakal
    School: 610-282-1421 ext. 7570  Cell: 484-239-8652  Home: 610-398-4947
    Fax: 610-282-2615  E-Mail:
Meet Manager - Mike Seip
    Office: 610-973-1527  Cell: 610-393-5714  School: 610-965-1674
    Fax: 610-973-1549  E-Mail:

Thoughts & Tips

A team is like a family.  A family doesn't always get along day to day but when times get tough; family backs one another up.  

The following is a compilation of nutritional information.  It has detailed information about carbohydrates, proteins, training preparation, etc.  Some basic information:
1. Drink Water or Sports Drink (Gatorade)
2. Eat a Good Breakfast
3. Increase you intake of Carbohydrates
4. Snack on Carbohydrates throughout the day
5. Make sure you replenish your body with the nutrients it has lost after    
practice is over.  the sooner this is done, the better
6. Reduce your "Junk Food" by making better meal decisions